Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!!
Yes, hari ni kita pergi main snow. Pengalaman pertama dalam hidup. Nak tengok best ke tidak snow ni.
Perjalanan ke Mt Buller mengambil masa 3 jam menaiki bas rombongan cik kiah
Kami sampai di Mansfield hampir pukul 9 pagi. Di sini bas berhentikan utk sewa equipment termasuk jacket & pants. Kalau pergi snow janganlah pakai jeans. Pakai waterproof clothing ye anak-anak. Harga di bawah ni lebih murah dari Mt Buller, sila rujuk gambar di bawah.
Kalau dah sampai sini jangan lupa cuba hot choco dia memang pekat, likat, creamy dan sedap. Kat sini gak kami beli unlimited lift ride (cable car macam bukit nenas dulu-dulu tu) Aku dah tak ingat berapa harga dia…sorry. Tabogan pun kami sewa dekat sini je.
Jangan lupa install app Mt Buller memang sangat helpful semasa korang dkt sana. Tempat ni memang besar dan memang tak nampakla. Mata akan silau maka sediakan la spec hitam.
Aku rajin pulak nak copy map ni, untuk rujukan diri sendiri gak. Kita orang mula-mula ala-ala sesat gak tak tahu mana nak tuju. Sudahnya tanya je la orang-orang situ mana nak naik lift then depa suruh kami turun balik. Jangan risau and jangan susah-susah nak jalan kaki. Banyak bas menanti.
Mt Buller Gnome house, salah satu aktiviti untuk family.
Meh sesapa rajin baca sikit dekat sini , aku next time pergi memang nak bawak anak-anak cuba.
“Come and talk a walk with Mt Buller's little folk! The Mt Buller Gnome Roam takes visitors on a self-guided tour of the mystical gnome world of the mountain village where they will catch a glimpse of resident Mt Buller gnomes, learn about their favourite places to play as well as some interesting facts about the gnome way of life.
Visitors can collect a Mt Buller Gnome Roam booklet from the Mt Buller Post Office to guide them through the Roam. The booklet, which makes a perfect keepsake, contains an intricately designed map and beautiful photos of Mt Buller Gnome folk. A further bonus is the gnome stickers available at the Post Office as a reward for completing the Roam.”
Dah sampai! Turun bas lepas tu memasing tukar baju waterproof dekat toilet sebelah Taboggan kiosk bawah ni. Aku dah ready dengan waterproof clothing dan snow boats (semua pinjam dekat Marina) nasib baik sama size. Dah tukar baju kami terus je naik bas (dengan dok usung beg besar gabak tu konon ala-ala shopping) bila sampai atas dok mencari mana pulakla lift ni. Tanya-tanya dekat org situ, nak senang turun balik ke Taboggan kiosk ni dan berhenti dekat last bus stop (lepas Taboggan Kiosk).
Kami turun balik ke bawah, masa tu perut dah lapar. Sini memang tak ada makanan halal langsung, silala bawak makanan sendiri. Nak makan dekat luar memang sejukla. Nasib baik cafe bawah ni even no outside foods tapi dia x kisah kami makan maggi. Space pun amat limited dalam ni. But again nasib kami baik bila aku tanya mat salleh sorang tu if dia nak letak beg ke dkt situ boleh tak if kita org nak tumpang makan. Terus dia blah so dapatla kami meja dan kerusi untuk makan. Nikmat makan maggi dalam cuaca sejuk macam ni sejuta kali lagi sedap dari makan di rumah. Nak pulak maggi sup ayam.
Cuaca sejuk + sup = mabeles mabeles….
Over tak over la aku time tu….
Perut kenyang hati banyak senang jom jadi kanak-kanak kita main Taboggan. Seronok wei main ni tapi ampun takde stamina nak memanjat gunung ala-ala sikit tapi tak mampu dek badan. One round je cukup. Adrenalin pumping…..
Campak beg dalam bas dan jalan lenggang lenggang. Korang x yahla susah payah bawak beg bila datang sini. Simpan je dalam kereta atau bas. Susah nak berjalan sebab licin.
Kami ambik bas (tak jauh mana pun nak ke tempat lift ride ) turun ke bawah untuk lift ride.
Dah sampai! Wah feeling sesangat wei bila naik ni. Rasa macam dalam Twlight movie. Serious one of the best experience in my life. Kami ride sampai atas then singgah cafe lepak lepak sebab sejuk sangat cuaca dekat luar tu. Lepas tu main snow dan buat snowman. Dapatla elf snowman hehehe…..
Rupa snow ni macam butiran pasir cuma dia ice… memang jakunla first time dapat tengok. Excited, thrill etc la time ni.
Masa pun dah nak habis, kami turun bawah dan enjoy lift ride 2-3 round (dah beli unlimited kan) Memang nak puaskan hati naik lift ride ni, Serious berbaloi beli unlimited.
Agak lewat gak bas kami bertolak sebab ada sorang mat salleh ni syok sangat main ski sampai dia sesat. Dah nak gelap baru dia sampai. Dah la jauh nak balik CBD ni, dalam bas perut dah lapar. Nasib baik ada stock snickers. Lega sikit perut. Sampai CBD dah lewat dalam 9.30 malam. Letak bag tak mandi pun terus gi makan. Ingat nak cuba kebab but memasing nak gak ke Mamak (dok ulang benda ni je dekat sana) makan ikut jela.
Sampai sini cerita trip ke Mt Buller if rajin bacalah sikit-sikit info dekat bawah ni harap dapat membantu. If ada soalan sila angkat jari dan type
Some info dari Travel Agent about this trip :
Enjoy the bush landscape as you travel in the comfort of your air-conditioned luxury coach through the
Great Dividing Range, the picturesque Yarra Valley, Yea and Mansfield.
Mt. Buller Resort
An easy three hour drive from Melbourne you’ll find this European style village. Situated high in the
snowfields, Mt. Buller is charming, with quaint lodges, luxurious hotels and modern apartments positioned
so you can ski from the slopes to your front door.
Ski Facts
With 300 hectares of skiable terrain including more than 80 kms of groomed trails, scenic panoramas and
more places to eat, drink and be merry, there is no better place in Australia to ‘live it up’ than at Mt. Buller.
The slopes are amazing with rugged ridges, cliff drops and tree runs making Mt. Buller a natural
playground. Visitors of all ages and experience will enjoy the diversity of Mt. Buller, offering beginner slopes, intermediate runs plus the challenging black diamond runs. There are also ski jumps and a
snowboa rd park for the more adventurous. Mt. Buller has three terrain parks designed for all skill levels, a
half pipe and an ultra - cross course, with a dedicated snow grooming team to maintain their c ondition. Keep
the kids happy all winter long – the village toboggan park has its own snowmaking machine.
Off the Slopes
There is a fantastic selection of restaurants, cafés and bars. There’s also abundance of activities off the
slopes. You can shop for the latest gear in the boutiques or catch up with the locals at one of the many
warm and friendly bars. Explore a real alpine village, browse the local shops or grab a pair of snow shoes
and discover the wonders of this winter playground.
salam nak tanya, berapa total kos trip ke mt buller?
ReplyDeleteTour ni semua dah bayar upfront masa dkt KL. My friend yang arrange so dah tak ingat. so sorry
Deletesalam, nak tanye,, kalau dah ada baju sejuk dan x nak sewa baju dkt situ boleh kan??
ReplyDeletehot koko tu berapa harga one cup??
DeleteSalam... nk tanya... mana nk cari water proof clothing? masa beli kena cakap apa ek?
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